Topic :: Database Administration
This page lists a subset of our products and lists templates and checklists which are related to databases. All documents are written by an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) with 20 years experience in Telcos and financial institutions. Scope is not performance and tuning but stable, audit-proof IT Operations.
Template for an Operational Level Agreement (OLA) for an Database. The OLA with the DBA team is an important part of each SLA (Service Level Agreement). SLA's and OLA's are established by Service Level Management, a process within ITIL based operations and are especially important in case of outsourcing.
Sooner or later your Service Level Manager wants that from you!
- Prepare your Service Catalog!
- Additional Benefit: Shows the importance of competent DBA's!
Check your database and DOCUMENT it! - It might save your job...
- Proactive checking for stability issues is important to avoid unplanned outages.
- Documenting those checks provides important evidence that you are operating according best practice..

All auditors require requires that all duties are clearly assigned (and documented), but especially during SOX (Sarbanes Oxley Act) compliance audits the focus on this topic is even higher than usual.
Real-World Experience shows that the borders between DBA and Application support are astonishing UNclear!
- Don't leave any room for discussion that's "the other, but not we".
- Execute a self assessment using our template - and be prepared for surprise!
If you have just a job role "DBA", but not a dedicated job role "Application DBA" those 19 duties must be explicitly assigned to either "Application Support" or to the "DBA" - otherwise they might not be executed!
Detect unassigned tasks before an auditor reports them !
If you need to migrate data to the new system, then be aware that this might become a major task!
Base Document 24 pages + Template 11 pages
Use this 65 Questions to reduce the risk of unexpected complications!
Base Document 24 pages + Template 11 pages